Delectably Undone!

Out in the US in April, a new anthology of five sexy short stories, including one from me (The Captain’s Wicked Wager) plus stories from top Harlequin authors Elizabeth Rolls, Michelle Willingham, Bronwyn Scott and Ashley Radcliff.

Delectably Undone! was given a Four Star Rating by the Romantic Times. Here’s what they had to say about it:

With highly sensual, scandalous tales that reach from medieval Japan to Regency England, Delectably Undone! is a series of novellas designed to titillate as these authors play out some sexy fantasies. Readers will find their ideal hero among the alpha Viking, Samurai, soldier or dashing rake and delight in each heroine’s surrender.  

“A Scandalous Liaison” allows Rolls’ long-ago lovers to be reunited and play out scenes from an erotic mural, as Viscount St. Austell learns some secrets are meant to be unearthed and betrayals forgiven to find the love of a lifetime.

Oh, to be “Pleasured by the Viking” whose ardent passion nearly destroys the marriage designed to bring peace between the Irish and the Normans in 12th-century Britain. But Willingham’s clever hero will find a way to make the woman he has loved for years his prize, and save her people.

Kaye delights readers with a heated seduction and fiery games that burn up the pages when her heroine takes “The Captain’s Wicked Wager.” She spends three passionate days in his arms in exchange for a fortune in gold and love.

Medieval Japan provides the colorful backdrop for Radcliff’s “The Samurai’s Forbidden Touch.” The story centers on the love between a lovely poet and the man sent to guard her before her wedding. Their explosive passion leads the way to rebellion and freedom.

Hotter than the desert sands, Scott’s “Arabian Nights With a Rake” is a thrilling adventure as a British diplomat and harem slave’s forbidden love sweeps them into a wildly exciting escape from an Algerian sheik. 

Readers in the UK can find The Captain’s Wicked Wager in a different, all-Regency anthology, Scandalous Regency Nights, alongside stories from Carole Mortimor, Ann Lethbridge, Bronwyn Scott and Christine Merril, available now.

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