Bits and Pieces

First up, a heap of foreign releases.

In other news, I’m delighted to tell you that my trilogy of short stories set during World War One will be released in one anthology in July 2014, just a month before the centenary of the outbreak of war. No title yet, but there’s a little more over on my Coming Soon page, and I’ll keep you posted.

Rumours that Ruined a Lady, the fourth Armstrong sisters story, is now available for pre-order. There are links and an excerpt on the new book page. I’ve had a few readers ask me about this series, so thought I’d take the opportunity to clear things up.

The series started out as a one-off book about the eldest Armstrong sister who happened to marry a sheikh. Then I wrote the second sister’s story, and she also married a sheikh, so the books were linked under the banner ‘Princes of the Desert’. A couple of years later, I decided to write the stories of the other three sisters, none of whom have sheikh heroes, so I’ve dropped that confusing banner, and the series is now known as the Armstrong Sisters.

So there you have it! Here are the books in order:

  1. Innocent in the Sheikh’s Harem (Celia)
  2. The Governess and the Sheikh (Cassandra)
  3. The Beauty Within (Cressida)
  4. Rumours that Ruined a Lady (Caroline), November 2013
  5. Cordelia’s story (which I’m working on now).

Finally for now, I’ve just had notice from my publisher that I’ve reached a landmark twenty-five books. They have included my novellas in the count, but all the same, I am a bit stunned (and pleased, of course), I had no idea I had written so many. Here’s to the next twenty-five!

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