It Started at a House Party – Free On-line Read

Available now over on the Harlequin website, It Started at a House Party is the prequel to my upcoming Victorian duet, Revelations of the Carstairs Sisters:

When Guy Minard agrees to attend an exclusive house party, it is with huge reluctance. He might be one of Victorian society’s most eligible bachelors, but he knows a political marriage is in his future—yet the idea of marrying for anything other than love fills him with gloom. Luckily, on his arrival, he is immediately distracted by unconventional lady photographer Esme Thomson! She has been hired to capture the glamour and luxury of the party from behind the scenes, but one chance meeting is all it takes for Guy’s heart to be held captive!

Young widow Esme is thrown into turmoil by Guy, and the honesty of his emotions. It has never occurred to Esme to hope for more in her life than professional success, but her attraction to Guy has her craving emotions and sensations she knows are utterly forbidden to her… But Guy refuses to be put off by the obstacles before them. It started at a house party, but dare Esme hope it will end in forever?

The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty is the first book in the series, to be released in October (and available for pre-order now). This romance continues with the theme of appearance, and a scarred heroine who has to live her life behind a veil. There are to-buy links and an excerpt over on the book page here.

I hope you enjoy the prequel to the series and as always, I’d love to hear what you think.

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