Category: Food

  • Eat In to Stay Thin (I Wish!)

    Eat In to Stay Thin (I Wish!)

    As you’ll know if you follow me on social media, or have read any of my previous food posts, I love to cook. One of the many great things about being a writer is that I don’t have to settle for a snatched sandwich for lunch, or get home too late to cook a proper…

  • Ooh You Are Offal, But I love You

    Ooh You Are Offal, But I love You

    My upcoming release, A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant, is set in 1822 in Edinburgh, during the state visit of King George IV. One of the many set-piece events laid on for the king was a banquet in Parliament Hall. Three hundred guests – all men! – waded their way through countless courses and copious amounts of…

  • The Return of the Soup Dragon

    I lived in Cyprus for four years. It was there, while on the beach that I dreamed up The Wicked Lord Rasenby, and it was on the shady terrace of my parents’ house that I wrote it, sent it off and, after a protracted and anxious wait, heard back from Mills&Boon that it had been…

  • The Soup Dragon

    If you follow my regular  #souptweet on Twitter, you’ll know that I am something of a seasoned (see what I did there!) Soup Dragon. My soup-making career goes way back to when I was wee. I’m the eldest of seven children, so soup featured regularly on our family menu, and I started helping my mum…

  • Pizza (not so) Express!

    Pizza (not so) Express!

    When I was a nipper (we’re going back quite a bit here – so far that the internal combustion engine had just been invented) pizza was an exotic ‘foreign’ dish. There were no ready-made pizzas available in the supermarket, though you could buy frozen versions from McCain, which came in a stack of six, each…

  • Phoebe’s Recipe for Happiness

    Phoebe’s Recipe for Happiness

    liqPhoebe’s Recipe For Happiness Phoebe, the heroine of my 50th book, A Wife Worth Investing In, is passionate about cooking. In particular, she is passionate about cooking for those she loves, serving up the kind of food that they adore, getting great satisfaction from watching their evident enjoyment. Phoebe has no truck with food that…

  • Favourite Cookbooks: Hairy Bikers Mediterranean Adventure

    Favourite Cookbooks: Hairy Bikers Mediterranean Adventure

    The Hairy Bikers, if you’re unfamiliar with the celebrity culinary duo, are not professional chefs, they don’t own any restaurants, they’re just a couple of hirsute motorcycle mates who love food and are passionate cooks. Somehow, thanks mainly to their down-to-earth charm and ‘everyman’ appeal, they have become a national institution. This book, like most…

  • Cooking the Books

    Cooking the Books

    Phoebe, the heroine of my current work in progress, A Wife Worth Investing In, is a ground-breaking Regency chef. If you follow me on other social media, you’ll know that not only do I love to cook, I also love to eat and like Phoebe, to experiment with different recipes and styles of cooking. As…
