Category: Reading

  • What I’ve Been Reading – Review Copies

    One of the benefits of being an author is that I have a stack of lovely books given to me to review, a mixture of advance copies and recently published. So for the past few weeks I’ve given myself over to indulgent reading (sorry, I mean work, it’s work I tell you!) and steered away…

  • What I’ve Been Reading – Agatha Christie

    When I was growing up the concept of Young Adult fiction did not exist (nor did Young Adults, as an actual thing!), so I progressed straight from Enid Blyton to whatever my mum was reading, which included (thankfully for my future career) Georgette Heyer, Barbara Cartland (something she still denies), Mary Stewart and crime of…

  • What I’ve Been Reading – A Festive Fiction Feast

    Usually I read my fiction on my Kindle, because I read in bed and don’t want to fall sleep with my glasses on! My morning reading hour (one of my favourite times of the day) is usually reserved for non-fiction and research. But I had a stack of hard-back fiction piling up recently, and decided…
