Tag: From Courtesan to Convenient Wife

  • New Anthology and a Giveway

    This Giveaway is now closed. Out now in the UK in print and digital, Regency Scandal, Passion in Spades is an anthology of two previously released books from my Matches Made in Scandal series. Set in Paris and Venice, with a courtesan and a card sharp for heroines, these stories are two of my favourites…

  • Paris – On Foot and on the Page

    Paris – On Foot and on the Page

    The opening scene of my 50th book, A Wife Worth Investing In, is set in Paris where Phoebe, a wannabe chef, meets Owen, the man who (unbeknownst to either of them) she will marry two years later. Their paths cross in the Procope Café, which is a real place in St Germain on the Left…

  • New Release in Italy

    New Release in Italy

    L’amante del duca francese Parigi 1818 Il ricco commerciante francese Jean-Luc Bauduin è uno degli scapoli più desiderati di Parigi, ma volendo essere libero di scegliere la propria sposa senza condizionamenti assume Lady Sophia Acton per interpretare la parte di moglie, così da dissuadere le numerose pretendenti a quel titolo. La quotidiana intimità matrimoniale fa…

  • From Courtesan to Convenient Wife Giveaway Winners

    Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway to celebrate the release of FROM COURTESAN TO CONVENIENT WIFE and for all the fascinating comments on the City of Light. Congratulations to Joye who has won first prize of the necklace and a signed copy of the book, and to Diane Sallans and Jessica Zarb who were the runners up, and will each…

  • From Courtesan to Convenient Wife – Release Day and Giveaway

    From Courtesan to Convenient Wife – Release Day and Giveaway

    Today I’m celebrating the release of FROM COURTESAN TO CONVENIENT WIFE, which is out now in print and digital, in the US, UK and Canada.   This is the second book in the MATCHES MADE IN SCANDAL quartet which features four seriously down on their luck heroines who are given the opportunity to earn a much-needed…

  • A Romantic Paris Walk in the Footsteps of Two Lovers

    A Romantic Paris Walk in the Footsteps of Two Lovers

    I’m a great believer in the old adage that the best way to discover a city is on foot. Nowhere is that more true than Paris, where the top attractions are contained in a relatively compact area. Getting lost is no bad thing either, as you never know what unexpected treat is around the next…

  • Paris Picnics – Top Spots and Tastes

    Paris Picnics – Top Spots and Tastes

    Sophia, the heroine of my April release, FROM COURTESAN TO CONVENIENT WIFE is, like me, a bit of a foodie. I love exploring food markets, sampling the stallholder’s wares and shopping for lunch. For me, a picnic at the airport or on the train with a bottle of bubbly is the ritual curtain-raiser to every…
