Tag: Hot Arabian Nights

  • Fifty Books, a Decade of Writing and a Giveaway to Celebrate

    Fifty Books, a Decade of Writing and a Giveaway to Celebrate

    Today I’m celebrating a huge personal milestone – the official release of my 50th book for Harlequin Mills&Boon. Just in case you’ve missed the song and dance I’ve been making here and on my other social media this week (seriously, where have you been?), A Wife Worth Investing In is out now in print and…

  • New Release – A Scandalous Winter Wedding

    The last book in my Matches Made in Scandal quartet, A Scandalous Winter Wedding, is out now in print and digital, in the UK, US and Canada. Finally, the mysterious Procurer, the Regency ‘fixer’ who specialises in making the impossible possible gets her own book. The Procurer is the shadowy facilitator who brings together the…

  • History or Heresy?

    History or Heresy?

    When I first started writing historical romances I admit I was something of a history purist, some might say zealot. Not for me lazy research, anachronistic names, objects or constructs, and as for committing the heinous crime of getting history plain wrong – I’d rather commit hari kari with a rolled-up copy of History Today.…

  • Seconds Out, Round Two!

    Seconds Out, Round Two!

    I adore creating secondary characters to populate my books and provide a bit of light relief and added colour. So much so that I have to work extremely hard not to let my cameo roles take centre stage. Time after time, I get carried away with an utterly (to me, at any rate!) fascinating but…
