Tag: Reading
What I’ve Been Reading
I can’t believe I haven’t done a reading update since July! I have been reading, I just haven’t had time to talk much about it. As usual, I have put reviews of everything I’ve read on Goodreads, but here is a small selection of the best. First up, two books that I decided to read…
What I’ve Been Reading
I’ve been methodically working my way through the Lord Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy L Sayers with varying degrees of satisfaction. I’ve commented before on the dated nature of the language and views in several, and in particular the racist attitudes that really jump out of the page to a modern reader. In The Nine…
Brighton Rocks!
My first experiences of Brighton were literary, and though read around about the same time in my late teens, their depiction of the fashionable seaside resort on the South Coast were poles apart. Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock was set in the sleazy underworld of the town in the 1950s, a stark contrast to the Regency…
What I’ve Been Reading
Fiction I haven’t had a lot of time for reading in the past few months, so I’ve mostly been turning to comfort reads in my fiction, and continuing with three quite different detective series that I’ve been very much enjoying. A Winter Memory, Lulu Taylor. I met the very charming Lulu Taylor at the Yeovil…
What I’ve Been Reading
I don’t have a lot of time for reading at the moment, so I’ve mostly been turning to comfort reads in my fiction, and continuing with three quite different detective series that I’ve been very much enjoying. Hangman’s Holiday (Lord Peter Wimsey 9) by Dorothy Sayers is a bit of a pick and mix of…
What I’ve Been Reading Other than Detective Fiction
Though I’ve been binge-reading detective fiction, I’ve also been dipping in and out of other genre. To be honest, most of it has been old favourites, because I’ve not really been up for an emotional challenge – though I got one all the same. But I’ll start with the old favourites, and Rose Tremain. I…
What I’ve Been Reading – Classic Detectives
I am still finding that I can’t bear much what my friend calls ‘jeopardy’ in my reading, so I’ve been retreating more and more into comfort reads. I am currently working my way through the Lord Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy L Sayers – in order, and with hardly a breath in-between. (You can read…
What I’ve Been Reading – Fiction
Lockdown continues to affect my fiction reading choices. I find it very difficult to concentrate and so anything too epic, with too big a cast or requiring too much intellectual effort from me is almost certainly going to fail to engage. I think inevitably too, what I consider important (or not!) has changed radically and…