Tag: Sewing

  • The Great British Sewing Bee – A Hive of Inspiration

    My mum is a beautiful seamstress who once had her own made to measure dress shop. When I was wee, she used to make matching outfits for me and my doll (Tiny Tears at first, later Cindy – never Barbie). I got a toy machine when I was about five that did a simple chain…

  • The Ghost of Lockdown Present(s)

    The Ghost of Lockdown Present(s)

    I don’t usually go in for extensive Christmas present buying (a combination of thinking it an exploitative commercial con and not having any money), but I do try and make something modest for my family and close friends each year. What my gran would call “a wee minding”. This year, knowing that I wasn’t going…

  • Living In a Material World

    Living In a Material World

    When we went into lockdown here in Scotland back in March, I rather naively believed it wouldn’t impact on me unduly (apart from securing adequate supplies of food – and wine of course!). As a writer I’m used to working at home, and I don’t do a lot of socialising, so I assumed at first…

  • Celebrating the Release of A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant

    Celebrating the Release of A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant

    ***********THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED********** Congratulations to Asha H, my winner. Thank you so much to everyone for all your suggestions. I will definitely be writng more older heroes and heroines soon, and I have lots of other ideas from you written up in my special ideas notebook. ********************************************************   Today I’m celebrating the release…

  • The Woman in the Ironed Mask

    The Woman in the Ironed Mask

    Don’t panic, this is not going to be a feminist reworking of Alexander Dumas famous novel. It concerns a contemporary phenomenon – facemasks. Not the politics of wearing them either, rather the making of them. I have a bag of scraps left over from sewing projects dating so far back that some of them probably…
