Category: Argyll

  • Fave Cycles – No 1 Piering into History

    Fave Cycles – No 1 Piering into History

    I am an unashamed fair weather cyclist. Though I love my bike (which is a hybrid, not a superfast road bike) I’m not one of those enthusiasts who cycle in all weathers, and I suffer terribly from gradientitis – any suggestion of a hill then forget it. So this delightful flat out-and-back cycle to Blairmore…

  • Kilmun Church and the Holy Loch

    Kilmun Church and the Holy Loch

    One of my favourite cycle routes, especially in the evening when I’ve been working all day and want to clear my head, is along the side of the Holy Loch, where I’ve got the choice of heading up to Glen Massan (more on that another time) or around the head of the loch to Kilmun.…
