Tag: A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant

  • Backlist Books – A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant

    At the start of my (still new!) TikTok journey, I decided to do a post about my favourite cover, which meant that I spent a happy hour or two going through my back list in my bookcases. After about sixty books and novellas, I’d forgotten a lot of them – in fact I couldn’t even…

  • Writing Close to Home

    LADY ARMSTRONG’S SCANDALOUS AWAKENING is out now. This is the second book in the REVELATIONS OF THE ARMSTRONG SISTERS mini-series, set in the mid-Victorian period. Mercy, my heroine, is a widow set on kicking over the traces and Jack Dalmuir, a self-made Glaswegian engineer, is more than happy to step in to help her. Ships,…

  • 2020 – Not Drowning but Waving

    2020 – Not Drowning but Waving

    Hurkle-durkle is an old Scots word that means to linger in bed a lot longer than you should. In todays parlance, it’s called a duvet day, and like most people, I have indulged in a good few more of these this year than usual. Though I try not to give in to the grey clouds…

  • Celebrating the Release of A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant

    Celebrating the Release of A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant

    ***********THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED********** Congratulations to Asha H, my winner. Thank you so much to everyone for all your suggestions. I will definitely be writng more older heroes and heroines soon, and I have lots of other ideas from you written up in my special ideas notebook. ********************************************************   Today I’m celebrating the release…

  • Ooh You Are Offal, But I love You

    Ooh You Are Offal, But I love You

    My upcoming release, A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant, is set in 1822 in Edinburgh, during the state visit of King George IV. One of the many set-piece events laid on for the king was a banquet in Parliament Hall. Three hundred guests – all men! – waded their way through countless courses and copious amounts of…



    My second chances stand alone romance is released on the 1st of September. A Forbidden Liaison with Miss Grant is set in Edinburgh in 1822 during the state visit of King George IV, when the city, thanks largely to Walter Scott, was decked out in tartan, filled with the wail of the bagpipes and the…

  • The Woman in the Ironed Mask

    The Woman in the Ironed Mask

    Don’t panic, this is not going to be a feminist reworking of Alexander Dumas famous novel. It concerns a contemporary phenomenon – facemasks. Not the politics of wearing them either, rather the making of them. I have a bag of scraps left over from sewing projects dating so far back that some of them probably…
