Tag: Claiming His Desert Princess
The Armstrong Family Tree – And All the Offshoots
UNDER THE MISTLETOE is my latest Christmas duet with Bronwyn Scott (and it’s out now, in case you didn’t know). When we first started talking about it, we both had ‘stray’ characters from other series whose story we wanted to tell. Bronwyn’s story, Doctor Peverett’s Christmas Miracle is the last in her Peverett’s of Haverstock…
Shaking Up the Sheikh Trope
One of the biggest challenges, for me, in writing historical romance, is trying to write a strong, independent heroine who sits believably within the historical context. If a genteel woman hasn’t inherited money, then trying to find a realistic way for her to earn her living is really quite difficult. There was no shortage of…
New Release in Germany
Die Wüstenblume und der Gentleman Ich habe die absurde Vorstellung, dass Ihre Küsse nach Pfirsich schmecken würden.” Königreich Nessarah, 1815. Zart wie eine Blüte und stolz wie eine Königin: Wer ist die geheimnisvolle Fremde, die der britische Archäologe Christopher Fordyce des Nachts mitten in der Wüste antrifft? Die schöne Tahira betört ihn mit ihrer liebreizenden…
Seconds Out, Round Two!
I adore creating secondary characters to populate my books and provide a bit of light relief and added colour. So much so that I have to work extremely hard not to let my cameo roles take centre stage. Time after time, I get carried away with an utterly (to me, at any rate!) fascinating but…