Tag: Princes of the Desert

  • Shaking Up the Sheikh Trope

    Shaking Up the Sheikh Trope

    One of the biggest challenges, for me, in writing historical romance, is trying to write a strong, independent heroine who sits believably within the historical context. If a genteel woman hasn’t inherited money, then trying to find a realistic way for her to earn her living is really quite difficult. There was no shortage of…

  • Goodreads Giveaway – The Governess and the Sheikh

    To celebrate the release of my Princes of the Desert series, I’ve put two signed copies of The Governess and the Sheikh are up for grabs on Goodreads. All you have to do to enter is press the button! Go on, you know you want to! The giveaway is open until the 20th July. Good…

  • Desert Princes and Regency Roses

    I’ve just received the cover art for the third of my Princes of the Desert series – here it is! The Governess and the Sheikh will be out in the UK in June, with a North America release in August, but if you want a preview, you can read the first chapter here.
