Tag: The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty

  • A Tour of Mount Stuart on the Isle of Bute

    I have been visiting the Isle of Bute all my life on family holidays, and as you’ll know if you follow this blog, I am still a regular visitor there to visit family. My latest trip coincided with the Glasgow Fair holiday, when traditionally hordes of Weegies go ‘Doon the Watter’ for a break –…

  • Quite Literally Talking Books

    During November I appeared at a number of literary festivals with my friend and co-author the Duchess of York to talk about our collaboration on HER HEART FOR A COMPASS. I’ve never attended a book festival before (I know, shocking) never mind made an appearance at one, and I must admit I was pretty nervous,…

  • New Release and a Giveaway!

    Out now, in paperback and digital, in the UK, the US, Canada and Australia. THE EARL WHO SEES HER BEAUTY is the first book in my new Victorian duet, REVELATIONS OF THE CARSTAIRS SISTERS. In this romance (which I think might be book number fifty-five), I have a scarred heroine with an interest in plumbing,…

  • What I’ve Been Up To

    Her Heart for a Compass I can say in all honesty that in the last couple of months I have been through a whirlwind of experiences that I never dreamed would happen to me, and which at times took this wee camera-shy person way beyond her comfort zone. The reason (in case you’ve been away…

  • What I’ve Been Up To, and a Cover Reveal

    Where on earth has the time gone! The last few months have sped past in a swirl of manic activity. I feel like I’ve barely had time to breathe. Now that lockdown is starting to ease a bit and lots of us have become ‘double jabbers’, myself included, I’ve finally been re-united with friends and…

  • You Bute(y) – An Island Break

    You Bute(y) – An Island Break

    The lockdown restrictions eased here in Scotland just in time for me to join with a small number of my family to celebrate (socially distanced of course) my mum’s 80th birthday, and to take a short break on the Isle of Bute. Like most people, I’ve barely been over the door in the last year…

  • The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty – Research Reading

    The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty – Research Reading

    I have been immersed in the Victorian world for quite a while now, working with The Duchess of York on Her Heart for a Compass, and then on my latest historical romance for Mills & Boon, The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty, which will be released in September this year. This, the first of a…

  • The Book That Wouldn’t Finish – My Lockdown Writing Struggle

    The Book That Wouldn’t Finish – My Lockdown Writing Struggle

    On Friday my 55th book for Mills & Boon was finally accepted. The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty is the first in a Victorian duet titled Revelations of the Carstairs Sisters, and I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever endured such a torrid time writing a novel. Now that it’s signed off and…
