Tag: Unwed and Unrepentant

  • Writing Close to Home

    LADY ARMSTRONG’S SCANDALOUS AWAKENING is out now. This is the second book in the REVELATIONS OF THE ARMSTRONG SISTERS mini-series, set in the mid-Victorian period. Mercy, my heroine, is a widow set on kicking over the traces and Jack Dalmuir, a self-made Glaswegian engineer, is more than happy to step in to help her. Ships,…

  • Fifty Books, a Decade of Writing and a Giveaway to Celebrate

    Fifty Books, a Decade of Writing and a Giveaway to Celebrate

    Today I’m celebrating a huge personal milestone – the official release of my 50th book for Harlequin Mills&Boon. Just in case you’ve missed the song and dance I’ve been making here and on my other social media this week (seriously, where have you been?), A Wife Worth Investing In is out now in print and…

  • Oh Sister, Where Art Thou?

    Oh Sister, Where Art Thou?

    Wannabe writers are forever being advised to “write about what you know, write from experience”. As the eldest of four very confident and opinionated sisters (and three brothers too), it’s therefore not altogether surprising that I’ve written a lot of sisters into my books. Looking back over the last ten years and fifty books (50!!!!)…

  • Fave Cycles – No 1 Piering into History

    Fave Cycles – No 1 Piering into History

    I am an unashamed fair weather cyclist. Though I love my bike (which is a hybrid, not a superfast road bike) I’m not one of those enthusiasts who cycle in all weathers, and I suffer terribly from gradientitis – any suggestion of a hill then forget it. So this delightful flat out-and-back cycle to Blairmore…

  • Seconds Out, Round Two!

    Seconds Out, Round Two!

    I adore creating secondary characters to populate my books and provide a bit of light relief and added colour. So much so that I have to work extremely hard not to let my cameo roles take centre stage. Time after time, I get carried away with an utterly (to me, at any rate!) fascinating but…

  • Clyde-Built Heroes

    Clyde-Built Heroes

           I live on the west coast of Scotland, and my writing room faces directly onto the Clyde estuary. The opportunities to avoid working are endless. I can watch the ferries plying back and forward across the river, follow warships and nuclear submarines as they make their slightly sinister way to and from the…

  • Kilmun Church and the Holy Loch

    Kilmun Church and the Holy Loch

    One of my favourite cycle routes, especially in the evening when I’ve been working all day and want to clear my head, is along the side of the Holy Loch, where I’ve got the choice of heading up to Glen Massan (more on that another time) or around the head of the loch to Kilmun.…
