Celebrating the Release of Invitation to a Cornish Christmas


Congratulations to my winner, Debbie Cooban.

Thank you to everyone who entered here and over on Facebook, your answers made me smile.

Invitation to a Cornish Christmas is out today in digital and print in the US, Canada and the UK.

This  marks my fourth collaboration with Bronwyn Scott, and is also our second Christmas-themed duet. Set in Cornwall (major spoiler alert!), we created the fictional fishing port of Porth Karrek and set it on the south coast, a few miles from Penzance, round about where Marazion is located in the real Cornwall. You can read more about the setting and some of the beautiful Cornish landscape we used in my blog here. 

As you will know if you’re a regular reader, I love to use settings that I’ve visited in person, and I have such amazing happy memories of childhood family holidays in Cornwall that I was delighted when Bronwyn suggested that we use it for our Christmas book. You can read more about my childhood memories on the blog here.

There are two linked stories in this book, both set in Porth Karrek, using the same set of characters, and pretty much running concurrently. Here is the official blurb from the back of the book:

Captain Treeve Penhaligon must return to Cornwall when he inherits his family’s grand estate. But could his meeting with Emily Faulkner on the wild beaches be even more life-changing? Find out in Marguerite Kaye’s The Captain’s Christmas Proposal. Then discover what happens when Treeve invites composer Cador Kitto to complete the celebrations, and Cade clashes with local girl Rosenwyn Treleven, in Unwrapping His Festive Temptation by Bronwyn Scott.

I’ve never visited Cornwall during the festive season . One of my favourite tasks while working with Bronwyn on this book was jointly coming up with seasonal traditions and celebrations to include – some traditional, some simply made up. There’s lots of snow, as you would expect from any self-respecting Christmas tale. There’s also a very large sprinking of seasonal magic, and of course there’s romance. You can read an excerpt and find “to buy” links over on the book page here.

And in keeping with the Christmas theme, I have presents to hand out. I have a selection of prizes for one lucky winner:

  • A signed copy of Invitation to a Cornish Christmas
  • Signed copies of books by Annie Burrows and Carol Townend
  • A lined notebook with a magnetic cover
  • Some miscellaneous goodies from Mills&Boon including a fan and a make-up bag.

You can enter the giveway either here or over on my Facebook page. All you have to do is tell me, if you could spend the perfect Christmas anywhere in the world (real or imaginary) where would it be?

I will draw one winner from either here or Facebook on Friday 4th October. Good luck!

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18 responses to “Celebrating the Release of Invitation to a Cornish Christmas”


    If I could spend the perfect Christmas anywhere in the world I’d like to spend it in the Scottish Highlands in a cosy cottage with my husband who’d miraculously been given the ability to cook & wash up.

  2. In the real world, I’d love to spend Christmas in York, together with my husband. In a fantasy world, I’d love to spend Christmas in the world of those postcards – fur muffs, skating, twinkling lights, fancy shops, a dusting of snow, carol singers etc.

  3. AnnMarie Spiby

    I have never had a big family Christmas because half my family were in the UK and the other half in Australia. The latter being in different states a long distance apart. So for me, the perfect Christmas would be anywhere that all of my family could get together and enjoy the festivities.

  4. Raven McAllan

    Where I live, (with snow).Edge of a Scottish forest, near the village. Log fires and an Aga

  5. Keri-anne Masson-abrams

    As long as i could bring my family then have to be hogwarts 😍

  6. Shell Cunliffe

    I would love to celebrate Christmas in Scotland, with my hubby and Jackson our lovely dog. In a cottage with a log fire.

  7. In one of the national trust cottages on the needles in the Isle of Wight, but then again that could work on a stormy day as well as I love crashing waves!

  8. Diane Sallans

    a mountain cabin, with beautiful views and just enough snow to be pretty but not block the roads (want the whole family to get there without any trouble)

  9. Carole Burant

    It would be in the Scottish Highlands, in a small stone cottage with a real fireplace and hopefully the cottage would come with a sexy Highlander in a kilt!! lol Thank you so much for the chance, Marguerite:)

  10. Katrina Dehart

    I’d love to have Christmas in an Irish castle with all of my family and friends.

  11. Franca Poli

    Hi Marguerite, thanks for this giveaway.
    If I could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, since I love the heat and the sea I’d like to celebrate it in Australia and more precisely in Sydney.

  12. Silver

    I’d love to celebrate it in a cabin, but it actually could be any place as long as it’s snowy, with a fireplace, a tall tree and decorations everywhere.

  13. Last year we spent pretty nearly a perfect Christmas at Milk Wood in Wales, Dylan Thomas’s adopted village, in a cabin for just us two with a beach to look over and woodland nearby, so we could unwind and do whatever minimal cooking we liked and read lots and talk lots and breathe in the quiet air. I’d probably do that again… but maybe if we could bring the cats. We miss them!

  14. Cecilia R Rodriguez

    I will be spending the holidays in Vince, California with my brother and sister and their families.

  15. Mel K.


  16. Rosangela DP

    I would like to spend Christmas snowbound in a mountain cottage with my husband.

  17. I would love to spend it in Paris.

  18. Hi Marguerite! It would be wonderful to be in Scotland with my small family. But really wonderful to try to find some ancestors there!!!
