Tag: A Wife Worth Investing In

  • New Release and a Giveaway (UK Only)

    Out now in digital and paperback in the UK, REGENCY SECRETS is an anthology containing the first two books in my PENNILESS BRIDES OF CONVENIENCE quartet. The stories feature four sisters, which is something close to my heart, and in the first two, I also feature two hobbies close to my heart. In the first…

  • New Releases in Denmark, Sweden and Australia

    New Releases in Denmark, Sweden and Australia

    Fælles bedrag Miniserie: Bundet af en skandale (2) Alle kvinder vil giftes med ham, men hvad hvis han allerede er afsat? Jean-Luc Bauduin er den mest eftertragtede ungkarl i selskabslivet i Paris, og han er fast besluttet på at vælge sin hustru helt selv. Indtil den dag kommer, har han tænkt sig at beskytte sig…

  • I Have a Winner

    Thank you to all who entered my giveaway which is now closed, and for your fabulous ideas about future romances. I’m now absolutely determined to write a heroine in her forties very soon, and to include more diverse occupations, especially scientific. Congratulations to my first prize winner Clare, and to the two runners up, Mary and Lori. I…

  • Fifty Books, a Decade of Writing and a Giveaway to Celebrate

    Fifty Books, a Decade of Writing and a Giveaway to Celebrate

    Today I’m celebrating a huge personal milestone – the official release of my 50th book for Harlequin Mills&Boon. Just in case you’ve missed the song and dance I’ve been making here and on my other social media this week (seriously, where have you been?), A Wife Worth Investing In is out now in print and…

  • Phoebe’s Recipe for Happiness

    Phoebe’s Recipe for Happiness

    liqPhoebe’s Recipe For Happiness Phoebe, the heroine of my 50th book, A Wife Worth Investing In, is passionate about cooking. In particular, she is passionate about cooking for those she loves, serving up the kind of food that they adore, getting great satisfaction from watching their evident enjoyment. Phoebe has no truck with food that…

  • Paris – On Foot and on the Page

    Paris – On Foot and on the Page

    The opening scene of my 50th book, A Wife Worth Investing In, is set in Paris where Phoebe, a wannabe chef, meets Owen, the man who (unbeknownst to either of them) she will marry two years later. Their paths cross in the Procope Café, which is a real place in St Germain on the Left…

  • Oh Sister, Where Art Thou?

    Oh Sister, Where Art Thou?

    Wannabe writers are forever being advised to “write about what you know, write from experience”. As the eldest of four very confident and opinionated sisters (and three brothers too), it’s therefore not altogether surprising that I’ve written a lot of sisters into my books. Looking back over the last ten years and fifty books (50!!!!)…

  • What I’ve Been Reading

    The first book in my new Marriage of Convenience quartet, Penniless Brides of Convenience, took me a LOT longer to write than planned. But you’re always saying that, I hear you cry. Don’t you ever learn from your mistakes? Well no, actually. I completely forgot the amount of effort it takes to create a new…
