Author: Marguerite Kaye

  • New Release in the UK

    Two dark romances set in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars about coming to terms with the past The Soldier’s Dark Secret A war hero tortured by the past, a heroine trying to uncover her family secrets, two people in search of redemption who unexpectedly find love. Officer Jack Trestain was one of Wellington’s most…

  • Peace and Goodwill

    I have been very quiet of late, but if you follow me over on Instagram you’ll know it’s because I’ve been very busy. My first ever writing retreat with five other authors in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales helped me to finish my last book of 2023. Uncovering the Governess’s Secrets is a dark, Gothic Victorian…

  • New Release

    REGENCY REBELS – A CHRISTMAS FLIRTATION is out now in the UK, in digital and paperback. This duet with Bronwyn Scott was previously released as AN INVITATION TO A CORNISH CHRISTMAS Two romances set in one shared world, with lots of Cornish seasonal traditions. You can read an excerpt from my story, THE CAPTAIN’S CHRISTMAS…

  • What I’m Writing – #EdinburghGothic

    After a substantial and very enjoyable break from writing, I’m back. And because I like to challenge myself I’m writing two books in parallel. Both are set in Edinburgh in the 1870s, and both have a Gothic theme, but there the similarity ends. Because I’m an arch procrastinator, and one of the books has no…

  • Release Day for His Runaway Marchioness Returns

    My latest historical romance from Mill&Boon is out today. HIS RUNAWAY MARCHIONESS RETURNS is a marriage of convenience set in the mid-Victorian period. Lily, my heroine, has been living in France forging a very unusual and slightly scandalous career for herself for most of her marriage to industrialist Oliver. Meanwhile, he has been focusing on…

  • What I’ve Been Reading – Review Copies

    One of the benefits of being an author is that I have a stack of lovely books given to me to review, a mixture of advance copies and recently published. So for the past few weeks I’ve given myself over to indulgent reading (sorry, I mean work, it’s work I tell you!) and steered away…

  • What I’ve Been Reading – Agatha Christie

    When I was growing up the concept of Young Adult fiction did not exist (nor did Young Adults, as an actual thing!), so I progressed straight from Enid Blyton to whatever my mum was reading, which included (thankfully for my future career) Georgette Heyer, Barbara Cartland (something she still denies), Mary Stewart and crime of…

  • What I’ve Been Reading – A Festive Fiction Feast

    Usually I read my fiction on my Kindle, because I read in bed and don’t want to fall sleep with my glasses on! My morning reading hour (one of my favourite times of the day) is usually reserved for non-fiction and research. But I had a stack of hard-back fiction piling up recently, and decided…
